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Cura Prusa Mk3s Profile

broken image When it comes to the world of 3D printing, very few brands have the stellar reputation as well as the fervent fan base of the Czech Republic-based Prusa Research Company.

Our Original Prusa i3 MK3 printer is designed to print various materials, including flexible filaments. However, to help you print these materials, we have rebuilt the extruder to MK3S version so it would be even more flex-printing friendly. This a Cura Profile that you can easily import into your own Cura Software! These are they exact settings that I use on my Prusa i3 MK3S. This includes instructions on how to import the Cura Profile, and detailed info about the settings that I use and why. This product is a digital download of an Cura profile file. No physical product will be shipped. By purchasing this product, you are.

The owner and designer Josef Prusa has displayed an excellent knack of constantly and consistently trying to improve each and every aspect of this unique open-source ecosystem. From the hardware installed on his 3D printers Prusa, all the way to the software his machines use, the original Prusa brand is the gold standard for DIY 3D printers.

Let's learn more in this Prusa i3 MKS review.

One reason why the 3D printing community loves the Prusa brand is due to the fact that the company makes upgrades for their Prusa i3 MK3 and other 3D printers only after gathering plenty of feedback from this community.

Mr. Josef Prusa and his namesake company have both managed to do something that many 3D printer makers have aspired to do, but have never been successful. And that is to bridge the gap between commercial enterprises and the open-source community.

  • I really want to THANK you for this Custom TPU Profile for MK3S. After months of research, and expressing my concern to Prusa about issues I had heard about with filament jams using TPU with the MK3S, they assured me there would be no issues, so I bought one. Benchy printed great in PLA, but EVERY TPU print failed, with filament jams.
  • This profile works on Prusa MK3S 'with MMU2S installed'? If no, how I can use the MK3S + MMU2S with a slicer different than the PrusaSlicer (eg. Simplify or Cura)? Nico a year ago. Hi Nico, our profiles are compatible only with the single material printers. If you want to use MMU2S, I.

It is very simple really: Prusa, that is, both the man and the erstwhile printer tend to do things a bit differently. Together, they have made innovation and fine-tuning to be the core of the Prusa i3 series of 3D printers.

In the long run, this means that if you were to invest in any original Prusa i3 3D printer model today, there is a very strong likelihood that your machine would be fully upgradeable in the near future. This holds true not just for the i3 MK3S but just about all Prusa machines.

Prusa i3 MKS Review: Out of the Box

The Original Prusa i3 MK3S printer is just like its previous iterations in the sense that it is available in a wide selection of formats. You can make it with 3D printable parts and a shopping list (it is open source after all).

Alternately, you can buy it as a kit that you build yourself if you enjoy DIY (do it yourself) work. Finally, you can even get an expert built Prusa 3D printer system that just needs boxing before it is ready to use.

If you are not an expert, it is better to let the real experts handle it and opt for a completely built-up unit (CBU). From the wiring to the insertion of all the relevant components, this is the best option for its price.

While the Prusa MK3S may be a different beast altogether, it does retain the austere elegance of its former generations of 3D printers.

But here all resemblance ends as this all-new and highly improved Prusa MK3S has been completely refitted and it has been equipped with a completely redesigned extruder system.

Cura prusa mk3s profile manual

This machine includes all of the sum totals of the cumulative upgrades that have been made to this series over the course of time. In this Prusa MK3S review we will help you understand and learn more about this truly exceptional machine. Just keep reading to derive maximum benefit from this comprehensive Prusa i3 MK3s review.

Overview of the Prusa MK3S

In this Prusa i3 MK3S review, we can see that as with its predecessor, this 3D printer Prusa model does not disappoint at all. This is an extremely capable machine that boasts of absolutely stellar print quality.

This is a pretty easy to use and straightforward machine. Yes, this is not a completely different set up when compared to the original Prusa. However, the many significant updates certainly improve the printer's overall performance, even as they justify its somewhat hefty price tag.

Is Prusa The Best 3D Printer?

In order to understand this question properly, it is very important to find out all about its many features. Let u take a quick look at what makes the original Prusa Mk3 tick:

Key Features of the Prusa MK3kS 3D Printer

In essence, the Original Prusa i3 MK3S both looks and feels almost exactly like its predecessor the MK3. In the sense that it offers much the same 250 x 210 x 200mm build volume and great print quality. Add to that the sturdy frame that comes complete with it is own iconic orange-colored 3D prints parts.

Apart from that, there are many other staple features such as a cutting edge removable magnetic print bed along with a power recovery system.

The S version of this printer has been created only after gathering extensive feedback from the 3D printing community. The good people at Prusa Research dedicated themselves to the solution of the few issues that the printer's loyal user base had to experience while printing their desired 3D objects.

A Completely Redesigned Extruder

This is probably the single most noteworthy change to be implemented into the all-new Prusa i3 MK3S. in fact, many Prusa MK3 users suggested that the unit's extruder should be easier to access in case anything goes wrong.

Prusa Mk3s Cura Profile

This led Prusa Research to modify the extruder design so that the unit's users would be able to change the whole nozzle PTFE tubing without going through the trouble of taking apart the entire assembly system.

Additionally, the nozzle as well as the extruder nozzle has been moved more closely to the X-axis. This has substantially reduced both the resonance along with the print quality.

The new design also has several other refinements such as improved cooling and significantly better Y-axis belt tension.

An Up To Date Filament Sensor

The Prusa team did not just sit on their laurels once they completely reworked the extruder. On the contrary, they went over and above the call of duty and introduced a fresh and new filament sensor. One that offers greater compatibility with specific filaments. This was something that the original MK3 sensor used to struggle with, most of the time.

The company had been experimenting with the mechanical switch mechanism for some time while looking for a new sensor. Initially, the manufacturer found the results to be unstable and unreliable for any sort of long term use.

This is why Prusa Research decided to combine fresh and new ideas with their old tried and tested ones. The result was the creation of an optical sensor that can be safely and easily triggered by a simple mechanical lever.

Thanks to this unique hybrid approach, the MK3S new sensor works fine, irrespective of the optical properties of any filament being used.

All New Slic3r Software Print Profiles

Apart from all the exceptional hardware-oriented upgrades, Prusa Research has also added multiple new print profiles for both their MK3 and MK3S models. However, here you will have to download Slic3r Prusa Edition 1.41.3 or a newer version in order to access them.

One of the new changes offers a 70μm profile. This is a good option in between the regular 50μm and 100μm profiles. The company is currently marketing it as a great alternative for 3D printing miniatures.

Moreover, Prusa Research has now also packaged its 150μm Optimal and 200μm profiles into different modes including Quality as well as Speed modes, respectively.

As can be imagined Quality mode has been designed for very high surface quality, while the Speed mode substantially increases the overall print speed, without making all that much of a sacrifice in terms of quality.

MK52 Magnetic Heat Bed

The MK52 is a PEI coated removable magnetic spring steel bed. This is hands down one of the very best heat beds you can find on any budget 3D printer. This nifty little feature makes the whole machine much more usable. Even as the sheet cools down, the various parts can be removed just simply by flexing the sheet steadily inwards.

Power Panic System

The Prusa i3 MK3S is just like its predecessor in the sense that it can also recover and resume a print job, even after a power outage. This is thanks to its EINSY RAMBO motherboard. This is an intelligent component that can monitor power throughout the system. This allows for the early detection of blown fuses, amongst other issues. Apart from that, it also features Trinamic drivers that are super-fast and very quiet. Furthermore, the power panic system can both detect and rectify the layer shift during the printing process.

Automatic Bed Leveling Feature

One of the most stressful and frustrating aspects of 3D printing is fiddling around with your manual bed while trying to level it perfectly. However, your Prusa will do all of the hard work for you thanks to its cutting edge auto bed leveling feature and heated bed. This way, all of your 3D prints will come out picture-perfect, even on the very first try.

How Much does the i3 MKS cost?

At around $1,000, the new and original Prusa MK3S is not exactly the least expensive machine on the block. Albeit, having said that, it does deliver consistently. If you are in the market for a sleek and reliable machine; one that creates well-built 3D and beautiful prints and is also easy to use, you won't have to look much further than this 3D printer.

Apart from the monetary cost, the Prusa is worth a lot since it is basically an open-source machine. In other words, it is possible to hack it in a myriad of different ways in order to upgrade it both easily and safely.

Prusa Research also offers an excellent level of tech support and their call center is at hand to take care of any of your issues in real-time. Finally, there is an entire community of highly passionate fans who are both willing and able to offer help or advice whenever and wherever you need it.

Software Slicer

The software slicer that comes bundled with it has a lot going for it. It has a very simple and intuitive design and is very clear and easy to use. However, here its apparent simplicity does not mask its lack of features. This is a very powerful software tool that offers heaps of customizations and settings.

One of the best aspects of Prusa's software slicer is its instinctive operating system (OS). Even a newbie to the 3D print world would be able to pick it up and start using it very quickly indeed.

It comes with a variety of preconfigured settings that include some of the most common filaments that are used by Prusa's current 3D printer lineup. Unlike Cura and many other ‘one size fits all' commercially available 3D slicers out there, this is more of a bespoke tool. One that has been tailor-made for your new original Prusa i3 machine.

Technical Specs

In spite of the many advancements features of the Prusa i3 MK3S machine, the technical specifications nonetheless remain largely the same at least when compared to its older iteration. This is why it shares most of the specs of the Original Prusa i3. Let us take a quick look at its technical specifications sheet:

Main Printer Specs

  • Manufacturer: Prusa Research
  • Print Bed: Heated bed, Removable, PEI Coating
  • Filament Diameter: 1.75 mm
  • Third-Party Filament: Yes
  • Max. Extruder Temperature: 300ºC
  • Build Volume: 250 x 210 x 200 mm
  • Connectivity: USB and SD Card
  • Onboard Controls: Yes
  • Max. Print Bed Temperature: 120ºC

Software Specs

  • Host or Slicer Software: Prusa Control/Prusa Slic3r
  • Firmware: Marlin
  • OS: Mac, Windows, Linux
  • Open Software/Hardware: Yes (GNU GPLv3)
  • Weight: 6.35 kg in total


  • Print pause and restart
  • Crash detection
  • Prusa's Slic3r PE slicing software is very user friendly
  • Very sturdily built
  • Enthusiastic and helpful community
  • Exceptional print quality
  • Auto-calibration
  • Beautiful bridging and overhangs
  • Prusa support responds quickly and their call center agents are very knowledgeable
  • Extensive community support


  • Long-distance prints are not exactly reliable
  • Very dense support structures in the system's default settings
  • Not a completely radical upgrade with respect to the older Prusa i3 MK3

The best thing about the Original Prusa i3 MK3S model is that it just plain works. Not only is the slicer very easy to use, but the prints also pop off with near ridiculous ease due to its state of the art heat bed. Yes, it is a rock-solid printer that will consistently give very good results for a very long time.

If you test this machine you will see that the prints are very impressive except for a few long-distance prints that might give issues. However, once you have sorted out the teething problems, you will be able to really put this machine through her paces and enjoy high-speed high-quality prints whenever and wherever you want. But till that time, it is a good idea to stick to the SD card option.

What are the Major Differences between Prusa Mk3 and MK3S?

In many ways, the Original Prusa i3 MK3 is very like its newer and flashier counterpart. However, these two are very different printers in their own right. Some of the major differences include the following ones:

Firmware Support

The MK3 uses its own B7/R3 extruder design to compete with its own optical filament sensor. This means that it will run on its own MK3 firmware. The i3 MK3S on the other hand uses a vastly different extruder design bundled with a brand new IR sensor. This means that the machine won't run on the older version's firmware. On the contrary, it would require a completely different MK3S firmware application.

Redesigned Filament Extruder

This is the key difference between the Original Prusa i3 MK3S and its newer i3 MK3S counterpart. Mass storage ssd. The i3 MKS extruder has been well equipped with a cutting edge hybrid system that comes with both an optical filament sensor as well as a standard mechanical lever.

Apart from the overall improvement in quality and speed, it is now also possible to change both the nozzle and if required; the PTFE tube. However, here it is pertinent to note that the total build volume still remains very similar to the previous i3 version since the size is the same for both these Prusa printers. However, this should be more than adequate for most prints as such.

Sensing Fans and Noctua

Cura Prusa Mk3s Profile

These upgrades can help to substantially reduce the noise when the i3 is printing any 3D object. Apart from that, a cooling breeze that emanates from both sides of the extruder will substantially increase the original Prusa i3 MK3S printer's overhang performance.

Bondtech Extruder

Its dual gears ensure a very reliable and safe grip on the printing filament to prevent any slipping related accidents. The extruder's nozzle can easily reach up to 300°C.

Y-Axis Belt Tightener and other Upgrades

Apart from the Y-Axis belt tightener, the MK3S has also been equipped with genuine Gates belts to ensure a smoother flow of the whole of the work process. And that is not all; the good people at Prusa Research have also replaced the standard spiral wraps with textile sleeves.

Cura Prusa Mk3s Profile Setup

They have also created a new Einsy case and added an anti-rust coating on the otherwise smooth PEI sheets of the hot bed. Apart from that, there are many firmware as well as plastic parts enhancements too.

Verdict: Is the Prusa MK3S worth it?

In short, we can say that this Prusa printer has few peers and hardly any superiors. If you want something that will deliver outstanding quality for a long time, just get this machine today.


Supreme [H]ardness
So this arrived today
I'm a CNC milling enthusiast first, but 3D printing has always interested me. I have built a number of large format (4'x4'-8'x16') 3-axis milling machines in the past and I use and maintain my own home machine. The problem is I live in the great white north eh? and the shed the CNC is housed in gets quite uncomfortable in the winter, not to mention what it does to the machine. With the winter approaching I decided to buy this kit to build, over the winter, and start printing, perhaps even combining it with the CNC mill in the future.
I am also a high school teacher and one of the subjects I teach is tech design. I am looking to incorporate this into my program and print models students create. I have experience with solidworks, sketchup, and tinker CAD.
Additionally, I have experience using a stratasys Uprint SE but that was turn-key and a rather foolproof, high end 3D printer.
Any tips or suggestions for building the machine or printing with it, for the uninitiated?

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